Sunday, July 11, 2010

Close Quarters Conflict Highly compressed 340Mb by manidip

Close Quarters Conflict 
Highly compressed 340Mb
At any rate, no story is needed. You start off clearing levels by killing baddies with the game's standard collection of shooter weaponry. Then you move on to more focused goals and kill enemies with special weapons like grenades, perform stealth kills, handle mission objectives, and so on. However, there is no depth to any of these missions, which consist of clearing levels by ripping around and blasting everything that moves on a clock. Some levels can be blazed through in no more than a couple of minutes, and even the addition of special objectives doesn't slow you down. Stealth kills just mean that you have to murder people with a silenced pistol or a knife instead of a submachine gun or assault rifle. And missions with objectives involve going to numbered locations on the map and killing everyone that you encounter.
Close Quarters Conflict Highly compressed 340Mb

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