Friday, July 16, 2010

King's Bounty: The Legend - [FULL RIP]

The adventure saga created in the best traditions legendary King's Bounty, - a fascinating alloy of role game and the sated tactical battles. The hero (the soldier, the magician or paladin) and the whole army of its faithful companions travel on the huge continent representing of some tens of connected locations. Erection of kings on a throne and their further overthrow, rescue of the dragons who have fallen into clutches of princesses and search of piracy treasures, taming of obstinate ancient artefacts and the next applicants for world supremacy – such are severe everyday life of the royal knight, which role is taken away to the player. In a mode of real time the protagonist travels overland and water, underground and in heavens, investigating the world in search of treasures, meeting friends and enemies, improving the skills and abilities and carrying out commissions of kings. During battles game passes in a tactical mode. Fights are developed on fighting arenas.
The victory will get to the one who will most effectively dispose of the armies entrusted to it and will successfully take advantage of the magic book, having brought down on heads of enemies terrible spells on the force and having called powerful Spirits of Fury. "King's Bounty. The legend about the Knight" abounds with unexpected subject turns and original outcomes. The player should face set of interesting riddles and secrets, to conclude the alliance with powerful ??????????? or to steal treasures from treasury of gnomes – in this world much probably. The main thing - not to forget about an oath of allegiance to the king, after all he does not forgive errors. Year of release: 2008 the Genre: RPG / 3D / 3rd Person the Developer: Katauri Interactive Publishing house: 1C Publishing EU  

System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP; 
- Processor with frequency of 3 GHz; 
- Memory of 2 Gb; 
- Class Video map nVidia GeForce 7950GT about 512 Mb of video memory;

Each Link =101 MB

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